Dental braces price abroad

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Dental braces price abroad


The price of dental braces depends on several factors.
dental braces price abroad
First there are different types of dental braces. The braces with metal brackets are always cheaper than those with ceramic brackets, since the ceramic is a more expensive material and more difficult to work with. Also, the braces can be traditional with larger brackets using the O-rings system or self- ligating, whose brackets are smaller and linked to the arch wire by ligatures that are more discreet. Self-ligating braces are a little bit more expensive because they are more efficient and their production is more demanding. On the other hand, this type of braces implies less frequent appointments to the dentist because it requires less frequent adjustment than the traditional one. The invisible orthodontic braces are more expensive but it does not reflect their superiority. In fact invisible braces such as the lingual braces or transparent aligners are rather reserved for small corrections, and are often not as effective as rings.

The superiority of the price is due to the complexity of the placement and manufacturing. The lingual device is placed on the inside of the tooth which requires higher precision while the transparent aligners need to be changed every 2 or 3 weeks and each aligner costs.

However, it should be clear whether the cost of the dental braces also includes adjustments, O- rings changes, etc. or just the braces and placement. As the duration of treatment normally lasts between one year or two and the dental visits are frequent, maintenance of the braces may cause additional costs that are significant.

The last thing that defines the cost of dental braces and of dental care in general is the margin of the dentist. Dental margins are often the most responsible for the huge price difference among dental offices and especially among countries.

Dental braces can also be placed abroad, particularly in Serbia where the price is the lowest.

Check our prices of dental braces.