Prior to the implant treatment procedure, a detailed medical history needs to be taken, which could potentially reveal contraindications related to general health problems.
Absolute contraindications:
acute mental disorders,
active cancer,
haematological diseases,
systemic diseases,
unstable diabetes (‘brittle’ or ‘labile’ diabetes),
complete lack of personal hygiene, with no hope for improvement.
Relative contraindications:
a patient’s age – patients under 16 years old cannot be treated due to underdeveloped bone system,
jawbone atrophy – a prior bone reconstruction procedure is required,
cardiovascular diseases,
rheumatic diseases,
kidney diseases,
liver diseases,
endocrine diseases,
unstable diabetes,
poor mouth hygiene,
gum and periodontal diseases – periodontal treatment is required,
malocclusion – orthodontic treatment is required,
smoking – reducing the amount of smoking or quitting is required.