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Quotation for dental treatment in Serbia

Eurodentist offers you possibility to benefit from a free personalized non-obliging quotation that informs you about:

  • Dental treatment type,
  • Pricing,
  • Codification of materials,
  • Number and duration of dental stay,
  • Dental care guaranties (in case of implants, crowns, bridges, etc…).

This allows you to plan your budget and your time in advance.

In order to obtain a free personalized non-obliging quotation that would be the most accurate as possible, it is recommended to send us your recent X-ray (electronic form if possible), and describe the dental treatment you wish to perform.

The panoramic x-ray allows the dentist an insight to your dental condition; nevertheless since some dental problems can be only noticed in direct contact with the dentist, it is important to describe your dental issues.

If you already have a quotation provided by your dentist, you can send it to us and we will give you information about our prices for dental treatments indicated in quotation. Thus you may make the comparison and discover how much you are going to save on your dental bill.

The reason because the dental treatments in Serbia are up to 70% cheaper than in higher standard countries is that the labor costs in Serbia are lower. However the quality of service and materials in use is as high as in high standard countries.

Find out how much you can save on your high quality dental care.

Fill up the form and your coordinator will come back to you with your free quotation and treatment plan.